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Facts about Keyouwang review

A customer who i chatted online with asked why she can not find any reviews of our product outside our website. Every review on our website seems very good but she can not find people reviews outside our site.
I believe you may have the same query as hers. Here, please allow me to explain why there are no more reviews outside our website, telling the facts about Keyouwang reviews.
Keyouwang is from China, being sold on the market for eight years. Because a lot of customers outside of China asked their friends or relatives in China to buy our product, the English website was set up in April this year. Perhaps, it is not so popular in the world but it is very popular in China. Moreover, by far we have had customers from America, UK, Canada, Spain, Cyprus, UAE, Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, etc. We have some satisfied customers who thanks for our product. Their reviews are present in Testimonials.
On another hand, everyone who has genital warts is reluctant to let their friends know it. So, this is one of the reasons why you can not find the review on our product outside our website.



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