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Cut off the genital warts by yourself

Q: Can you cut off the genital warts by yourseulf?
A: It is better not to do that by yourself. If you really want to cut it off, go to the doctor who could cut the warts off with surgical scissors. Generally, small warts and less than 4 warts are removed by excision. Firstly, doctor disinfects the skin and gives the local anesthesia. Then cut off the warts. After excision, antibiotic ointments is needed till the wound is healing.
Surgical removal is another way to remove the warts. Visible genital warts on the penis or vagina or around the anus are removed by excision which means cutting the warts off with a surgical knife. Warts on the cervix may be removed by laser. The procedure is usually done in a doctor’s office or clinic. You receive medicine that numbs the area around the arts. Sutures usually close the incisions.
After surgery, the recovery time depends on the location and number of warts removed. Most people will be able to return to normal activities within 1-3 days. In most cases, scarring may occur.
Except the surgery, also you should use some herbal treatment! Keyouwang is really good product that gets rid of warts fast and makes you feel more confident knowing that they won’t reappear again. Keyouwang is designed for genital warts. It removes the warts by inactivating HPV and also prevent them from coming back. The advantage of Keyouwang over other natural treatments, it can also inactivate the potential HPV to fundamentally get rid of the warts.

If you want to know more about Keyouwang, please contact us



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