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Genital Warts on Anus Symptoms

Like any genital warts on other parts, anal warts are also caused by HPV and spreads by skin-by-skin touch. Anal warts are small warts that can occur inside and around the anus. If untreated, they can spread to cover the entire anal area.
You do not know you have anal warts until it causes some discomfort. Anal warts are found inside and around the area of the anus.
Anal warts start as small bumps that may be no larger than the head of a pin. Initially, they may be too small to be noticed. As they grow. They can develop a cauliflower-appearance when several are culstered together. They may be flesh-colored, yellow, pink or light brow.
Anal warts are highly contagious, you may find warts on other parts, for women like vulva, vagina, or cervix, for men like penis, scrotum, thighs, or groin.

Though rare, other symptoms of anal warts can include itching, bleeding, or discharge from the anus. An infected person also may have the sensation of having a lump in the anal area.



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