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Customers feed-back and experience after using Keyouwang

This one is from a male from Singapore which has genital warts. Although he had laser therapy, the warts recur. He bought 3 bottles Keyouwang. He sent the results after 3 days application.
“About 1/2 of the warts had fallen off so far. I will continue to see how it goes. there is a patch that turned white but there is no warts there. meaning there is HPV underneath there?
in fact I believed the laser surgery actually causes the HPV to spread. originally its only one spot now theres 2 potentially 3. I noticed the pain did not last as long compared to the first application now. Will keep you updated.”
if the area turns white, it means there is potential virus there. So you need to apply Keyouwang there to kill the potential virus. Otherwise, it may cause new outbreak in the future. When the area no longer turns white and burning sensation disappears when applying, it means cure.
Another one is from America, a male who bough one bottle to try.
“Yes, the product has worked i have some warts that have swollen up and they fell off but now there are some warts that are just white and are not falling off. I still have maybe a day or two more treatment days before the bottle is empty. What do you reccomend”
One bottle is not enough to remove all the warts. So we often suggest our customers buy 3 or 6 bottles and they will spend less money. If you have one or two warts, one bottle is enough to cure the disease. All in all, Keyouwang works for our customers.
These customers decide to continue the treatment until all warts are removed. Some reviews or experience will be present in the blog.



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