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Do condoms protect from genital warts

Genital warts caused by human papollomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection, and over 50% of sexually active men and women aged 15 to 49 years have been infected with genital warts. It is mainly spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected genital area. Most people recon that condoms can protect from genital warts. By far, there has no evidence of condoms effectiveness against genital warts. Therefore, avoid sexual life as possible as you can while genital warts outbreak.
Genital warts are highly transmitted infections. How do they spread?
Sexual contact
The majority of people get HPV through having a sexual relation with infected partner. When doing sexual life, genital warts easily fracture in which the HPV will fall off on the partner’s genital warts, leading to outbreak of genital warts. Therefore, people who have more sexual partner have more chance for getting genital warts.
Pregnant women who have genital warts but no outward symptoms can pass the virus to new baby when giving birth.
Touch the infected articles
A person may develop genital warts via infected articles such as briefs, bath towel and bathtub.
Smog containing HPV
Some researches show that the smog produced by laser treatment for genital warts contains HPV, which indicates that people may get HPV through smog containing HPV.
All in all, people can be infected even with a condom. If patients get a treatment, the chances of getting infected are very low. So, curing warts is a fundamental way to pass this disease to others.



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