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What is the medical treatment for genital warts

In terms of genital warts treatments, there are various, ranging from topical medicines to surgical treatments and sometimes chemical acid which can burn off the large warts. Here is the information on various treatments, hoping it is helpful.
Topical medicines
They are the common treatments which your doctor usually recommends to remove warts. It is impossible to tell which one is the best treatment for genital warts in this category because each product works in a fundamentally different way. You can try another one if one product does not work on you. Podophyllotoxin and imiquimod are the common choice for you. They two work in different ways to remove the warts. For example, Keyouwang is a kind of topical solution for genital warts. Different from other products, it prevents genital warts from recurring at the time of genital warts removal. It is effective and fast-acting.
Surgical treatments
Here are different options for genital warts that may prove effective for different patients.
Cryotherapy – It freezes off genital warts with nitrogen and kills the cells in it.
Electrocautery- It burns off warts with an electric current.Laser treatment – It destroys the warts with laser light.Surgical removal – It means that doctors cut out the warts with a scalpel.
Usually, surgical removal is available for large warts. But you have to go back if new warts pop their heads.



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