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Genital warts (HPV) in men treatment

As its name suggests, genital warts are warts that appear in the genital area. It is a common sexually transmitted disease which can occur in male and female. Sexual activity is the major route of transmission. A person who has a sexual relationship with infected person has 80% chances for developing this disease. Although female with this disease is more common, male are also take parts of genital warts sufferers.
This disease is caused by human papillomavirus which determines the development and contagion. As a highly contagious disease, genital warts disturb patients’ normal life and sex life. So, patients are urgent to find out an effective treatment for genital warts. For male, there are various treatments with different outcome for genital warts removal.
The patients can apply prescription creams at home. Or a doctor can surgically remove or freeze off the warts. Early treatment of warts is encouraged by some doctors because most untreated genital warts will develop. Laser therapy is to burn off the warts. This treatment is recommended for warts that are resistant to other forms of treatment. The therapy is expensive used only if absolutely necessary. While there is no scientific evidence to support home treatments, it has been suggested that natural products like aloe and vinegar may help in the treatment of genital warts in men.
There are some factors which increases the chances of development or recurrence of genital warts.
Have more sexual partners
Have sexual relationship with persons who you don’t know.
Smoking and alcohol
Low immunity
Too young people who have active sex activity



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