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Genital Warts Return

According to the clinical experiences, in most cases genital warts will return after being removed. And that genital warts relapse may last for months or years. Genital warts relapse is that new warts come again after being removed no matter where they grow on primary area or other parts.
Genital warts on any parts may come back after removed. However, you may have the most chances for relapse if the genital warts grows on:
Wet parts
Part where it is difficult to completely remove the warts including urethra, foreskin inner panel, inside of the labia minora, and anus.
How long does it take for genital warts to reappear
How long does it take for genital warts to reappear? It is different from people to people who receive the different treatment. In some cases, genital warts come back soon after being removed. Even new warts come back before the skin recovers. However, it may take months for genital warts to reappear. Data about genital warts return shows that 85% genital warts takes 1-2 months to return after removed.
How to get away from genital warts return?
If you have treatment such as cryotherapy or other treatments to remove genital warts, you can try our product Keyouwang to prevent them from coming back. It is pure plant extracts without any side effects when killing the potential virus. We have customers from Canada, America and so on. More information please click here what is Keyouwang



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