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Treat genital warts with Keyouwang

As more and more people know and buy Keyouwang to treat genital warts, there are a lot of problems. Yesterday, a customer from Cyprus ordered another 6 bottles after he used two bottles. However, he told me he had some problems with the local the post office.
“Last time i ordered I had problems with the post office because they would not allow me to get the package. They had also opened it up for inspection in front of all the people in the post office and they were asking me personal questions about the spray and it was very embarrassing. The content of the package was suppose to be secret but it turned out to be very embarrassing.”
Then,i consulted EMS which told us it was the problem of their local post office and he could complain of it. EMS has nothing to do with that. I feel sorry that i can not help him. This is the first time when i hear about such problem that the post office would open the personal package.



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