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How to get rid of genital warts in men at home

The human papillomavirus causes genital warts which happen to both man and woman. In man, penile warts can usually be found on the shaft. And they are also common on the scrotal area and on the skin surrounding the anus. Sometimes, the warts may also be found inside the anal canal.

In general, genital warts appear in clusters or in single. They can be tiny masses or they can be large enough to be easily seen. They are often flesh colored or they can be darker than the surrounding skin. Warts can also appear lighter than the skin and can bleach with the application of acetic acid. Even in when latent, warts are still highly infectious.

When it comes to the treatments, they range from surgery, laser treatment to medications. For large warts, the doctor is likely to remove them surgically through freezing, burning off them, or laser treatment. Yet, removing the warts does not guarantee that it will not return, which means that you possibly go back to a clinic for cutting off warts.

Home remedy for genital warts
Here is a more popular home remedy for genital warts removal.

Keyouwang – It is a home solution for genital warts removal. It is the kind of pure plant extract which is safe and easy to use, having no side effects on the body. With 97.5% successful rate, it helps thousands of patients get rid of genital warts. It starts working since the first application. Warts begin to shrink and fall off within 3 days. Besides, it is able to prevent genital warts from recurring. At home, you may spray onto the infected area twice, morning and evening.

This is a brief introduction of one of home remedy. It is effective and fast-acting.



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