Keyouwang is a kind of pure plant extract (a topical solution) which contains plant ingredients for genital warts removal. It is safe without irritation, dependence, and allergies. To be absolutely sure that Keyouwang could remove your genital warts after 3 days.
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Genital warts location female
Genital warts are dangerous for female because having them increases their risk of getting cervical cancer. If you have sex with an infected person, you have 90% chance to get genital warts. This article is about the location of genital warts on female. Hope it is helpful for you.
In women, genital warts can grow on the vulva, the wallso f the vagina, the area between the external genitals and the anus, the anal canal, and the cervix. The signs and symptoms of genital warts include:
Small, flesh-colored or gray swellings in your genital area
Several warts close together that take on a cauliflower shape
Itching or discomfort in your genital area
Bleeding with intercourse
Often, genital warts may be so small and flat that they can't be seen with the naked eye. Sometimes, however, genital warts may multiply into large clusters.
Freezing genital warts - is it effective
Freezing genital warts also called cryotherapy is to remove the warts with liquid nitrogen.
More than one treatment may be needed and it needs a long treatment period.
You would have a serious burning sensation during the treatment. Local erosion may happen during or after the surgery.
The normal skin exposed to Acetic acid turns white after cure. It shows freezing genital warts can not remove the potential HPV, leading to HPV recurrence.
Even though, The cost of freezing genital warts is cheap and can remove the warts. It is a common genital warts common.
If you have frozen your genital warts, you can try our product - Keyouwang which can help to inactivate the potential HPV and prevent them from coming back. It is a pure plant extracts, containing Quercetin, Tannic, Multiflora Rose, Earth Worm, and 57 types of substances. The effective ingredients can inactivate the HPV to remove and prevent them from coming back.
On the other hand, it do not have side effects, not harming the normal skin. If you are interested in our product and give you a chance, please contact us.
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