Keyouwang is a kind of pure plant extract (a topical solution) which contains plant ingredients for genital warts removal. It is safe without irritation, dependence, and allergies. To be absolutely sure that Keyouwang could remove your genital warts after 3 days.
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Success stories of genital warts
Here is a success story of genital warts. One of our customers who is from Canada bought one bottle to try about half a month earlier. Today, he sent me email to buy more 2 bottles. If you are suffering from genital warts, you might read this story.
“Can you give me more info about the product, cost an shipping to Canada,” This is his first email sent to me.
“Hello, our product is pure plant extract to remove the warts without side effects. It does not hurt the normal skin. Generally, the warts begin to fall off within 3-5 days. After the warts are removed, more bottles is needed to inactive the virus and keep them from coming back.
One bottle is 59 USD and the postage is 49 USD. Three bottles is 160 USD with half psotage. Six bottle is 319 USD with free shipping.
How many bottles do you want? ”
I have a lot of Dealings in China, so I looked up a cure,
I only have two spots not very big, been using Duoforte 27, but doesn't kill the vires, Warts keep coming back, But now not rised anymore, just smooth, going to take some AHCC, to boost immune system, Is it a big problem in China with HPV?, So does your produce Kill the Vires also, What about the application processes,
I am thinking about one bottle just to try it, Nothing else seems to be working, send me the info to use my Visa card,
Thank-You for all your Help;”
"Directly spray on the infected area or cover the area with a piece of gauze wetted by Keyouwang liquid and keep it there for 10-15 minutes. You may feel a little burning sensation and the warts turn white the first time you use.
The warts may scab and fall off, or turn white or black and becomes hard. Then it shrinks and falls off. In some conditions, the warts become white and small. Sometimes, the layer of the warts fall off.
Avoid the broken area when usage. (the process of warts removal is different from people to people)
Continue to use after the warts are removed and the skin renews. You need to use more bottles to inactive the virus and keep them away.
One bottle is 59 USD and the postage is 46 USD. So it totally cost 105 USD. I send you a paypal link via email. You can pay via it.
As for the shippment, the product will be shipped in one week because the express company has been on holiday for the Chinese New Year."
"I think I am going to put an order in for the one bottle an shipping @ 105 U.S. just to try it, Let me know if this is fine with you,
I just made the payment through Pay-Pal, Thank-you for your patients in this matter;"
"hello, the product has been shipped. The tracking number is .... Please visit to get the updated information.
Best regards"
"Hello, Am I going to be able to order more Keyouwang, I think it is finally starting to work, the gauze system seems to work well, I can feel the burning when I kneed it, How long of a duration can I expect till I am rid of this vires,
Thank-You best Rgrds;"
So, Keyouwang is a helpful genital warts treatment. If you have genital warts, try Keyouwang to get rid of them.
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